《惡靈古堡》系列多人線上遊戲《惡靈古堡 RE:Verse》本週展開 Beta 公開測試,但剛開服 7 個小時,就因為連線問題讓 Capcom 中途喊卡,暫時關閉 Beta 伺服器。
Capcom 開發第一部門表示,他們正在調查 Beta 出現的連線問題,但沒有可以馬上解決的方案,因此 Beta 將暫時中止,等待後續通知。
【Regarding the RE:Verse OBT】 As we are still seeing issues with RE:Verse OBT matchmaking service, we have decided that until further notice to temporarily suspend the OBT to resolve the problem. We will continue to investigate, and we apologize for any inconvenience caused.— Capcom Dev 1 (@dev1_official) April 8, 2021
【Regarding the RE:Verse OBT】 As we are still seeing issues with RE:Verse OBT matchmaking service, we have decided that until further notice to temporarily suspend the OBT to resolve the problem. We will continue to investigate, and we apologize for any inconvenience caused.
《惡靈古堡 RE:Verse》為附屬於《惡靈古堡 8:村莊》的多人線上模式,玩家將在遊戲中扮演系列作中知名的角色,展開猶如死鬥般的競賽。